Eurex Reports a Dip in Novembers Volumes


  Eurex Reports a Dip in Novembers Volumes

  Overall volumes of traded financial derivatives dipped 5% last month.

  However, European interest rate derivatives jumped by 26%.

  Eurex, a prominent global derivatives exchange and a member of the Deutsche Börse Group, released its trading numbers for November 2021 today. During the last month, overall volumes of traded financial derivatives at Eurex dropped 5% to 142.6 million, compared to 149.5 million in the same period last year.

  Despite an overall dip, Eurex witnessed strong growth across European interest rate derivatives in November 2021. The number climbed to 50.3 million traded contracts, compared to 39.9 million in November 2020. In addition, the total notional outstanding in OTC clearing climbed 15% year-on-year (YoY).

  However, European equity index derivatives contracted by nearly 19% in the last month. Moreover, European equity derivatives dropped marginally (2%) compared to the same period in 2020.

  “Overall volumes of traded financial derivatives at Eurex were down 5 percent in November 2021, from 149.5 million to 142.6 million, compared to the same month last year. Eurex Clearing recorded another strong month with overall notional outstanding up 15 percent to 21.2 trillion EUR from 18.5 trillion EUR in the same month last year. Overall average daily cleared volumes grew by 11 percent from 144 billion EUR to 159 billion EUR across the same period,” Eurex highlighted.

  Product Expansion

  In terms of overall performance in 2021, Eurex saw consistent growth throughout the year. Additionally, the exchange expanded its products and services to meet the growing demand for innovative products. Eurex launched MSCI Brazil Futures and MSCI China Index Futures earlier this year. Furthermore, to meet the rising demand for crypto products, Eurex introduced Bitcoin ETN futures in September 2021.

  “At Eurex Repo, the leading electronic market for secured funding and financing, Repo Market volumes grew by 17 percent, from 110.1 billion EUR in November 2020 to 128.4 billion EUR in the same month this year,” the exchange added.


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