How NFTs Can Be More Than Just Tools for Artists


  How NFTs Can Be More Than Just Tools for Artists

  Much has been said about non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and their utility for those who would like to get on the train. Sales of NFTs alone have hit a record high this year alone, with everyone from independent artists to the biggest celebrities using them to expand their reach.

  There is little to no doubt that the world has definitely evolved and is ready to move even deeper into the NFT trend. However, like every new concept that grabs attention, many people run the risk of misunderstanding some fundamental things about NFTs.

  NFTs Have Benefited the Art and Content Industries

  One of the biggest misconceptions about NFTs is that they are only beneficial for artists and content creators who want to protect themselves. This misconception is completely understandable since NFTs have become especially popular because of these artists. Names like Snoop Dogg, Grimes, and more have been prominent in the push for artists to jump on the NFT train and become more self-sufficient.

  Even in Africa, artists are using NFTs massively. Jude “MI” Abaga, one of the biggest hip-hop artists on the continent, has partnered with Binance and is looking at the possibility of launching his next album as an NFT. everywhere you go, artists are driving the adoption of NFTs.

  Then, there‘s the actual art scene. People are minting NFTs everywhere, using them to sell digital art and make money. They’re now side-stepping the conventional art industry, which involves exhibition houses and curators – all of whom take their own cut of the funds. Now, with NFTs, anyone can make money.

  The same can be said for content creators. These people can build their following significantly and leverage that to sell NFTs to people. They set their own prices, and they get to enjoy all the profits that come from the sales of their tokens. If they like, they could program their NFTs so they take cuts out of any token sales that occur even after theyre done with their own purchases.

  Utility NFTs: Their Rise, and Why They Look Appealing

  But, NFTs are much more than this. Today, there is an interesting rise of “utility NFTs” – NFTs whose values are based on specific metrics which, to the largest extent, can be measured. Many NFT enthusiasts actually believe that these utility NFTs are the future of the industry.

  Today, the NFT market is in an interesting position. Many tokens dont specifically have a market value, and this has experts scared that the rise in popularity of NFTs will eventually create a bubble that will massively pop eventually. We saw a bit of a glimpse into this eventuality when the crypto market itself went on a downturn for months. Coins dropped significantly in value, and NFT volumes actually slowed down.


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