WikiFX Scam Alert: FCA Warns Against MT5-PRO!!!

  Investors who are still trading forex at MT5-PRO had better quit trading ASAP!!! Investors who have been deceived by this broker please contact WikiFX to help you recover your funds!!!


  To make things straight from the very beginning, on our next screenshot you may check the warningissued on February 2nd against MT5-PRO ( by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) in the UK. The FCA, one of the best financial regulatory bodies in the world, has found reasons to distrust this broker and has issued a warning on it – something that can definitely damage the reputation of even the best of brokers. Take a look (source:


  According to the FCA, MT5-PRO is not authorized to offer financial services in the UK. In fact, the FCA has stated that this is not a licensed broker and therefore you would not be end to any protections. Such warnings prove with almost absolute certainty that a company is running some sort of scam – so refrain from choosing shady enterprises that have received the negative attention of reputable financial authorities like the FCA. The only way to be sure that your investment is in good hands and that you would be treated fairly and in accordance with all laws would be to turn to a licensed, legitimate broker.


  In addition, WikiFX made an attempt to visit the broker‘s official website to find out more information, but in vain – the website is not accessible any longer. MT5-PRO might have gone bankrupt and have run away with investors’ money!


  Anyway, trusting a broker like MT5-PRO is simply not worth it – you will certainly end up robbed. The so-called brokerage is nothing more than an outright scam, which is in the spotlight of a recent investigation by the British financial authorities, who have already blacklisted the website for targeting UK customers without proper authorization.

  WikiFX reminds you that forex scam is everywhere, you'd better check the broker's information and user reviews on WikiFX before investing. You can also expose forex scams on WikiFX. WikiFX will do everything in its power to help you and expose scams, warn others not to be scammed.


  WikiFX keeps track of developments, providing instant updates on individual traders and helping investors avoid unscrupulous brokers. If you want to know whether a broker is safe or not, be sure to open WikiFXs official website ( or download the WikiFX APP through this link ( to evaluate the safety and reliability of this broker!

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